Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I´m Going to be a Tourist!


Hey Everyone!
Sorry has been a while since I have put much up! Just uploaded two other quick blogs about a really cute little boy and getting proposed to, but hopefully in the near future will have a more meaningful blog to add! Tomorrow heading out for Christmas break and not sure when I will be back on again so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Here are a few pictures from this last campaign we just finished!
Love and miss you all!

Above are pictures of most of our group at 38, a boat ride, kids from Tupac, one of the baptismal groups, and a picture of all of my holiday decorations!


  1. Cool pictures! Thats a lot of people to fit in a canoe. How do you handle all the little kids hanging on you? You always have so much patience, I know you do great with them. God bless!
